More colour for the choir
With its three manuals and disposition of 43 stops, the Opus C-380 is a wonderful instrument for small rooms seating up to 150 people. The organ is specifically tailored to the singing choir, inspiring both singers and organist with pipe organ sound of the highest quality. The 4.1 audio system ensures that the sound blends harmoniously with the room.
- System OranjeCore+™
- Manuals 3
- Voices 43
- Solo stops 2
- Couplers 6
- Dimensions
- Height (excluding music desk) 122 cm
- Height (including music desk) 146 cm
- Width 140 cm
- Depth (excluding pedal board) 74 cm
- Audio system 4.1
- Audio control DEA2.0™
- Reverb System
- Convolution reverb, 12 unique reverbs •
- Output amplifiers
- Controllable functions
- CAN (cancel) •
- REC (Recal) •
- MB (Manual Bass) •
- Menu (Johannus Menu) •
- Spitzflöte | Principal (S-B-H) 16' | 16'
- Principal 8'
- Stopped Flute 8'
- Fl. Harm. | Quintaton (B-H) 8' | 8'
- Octave 4'
- Open Flute 4'
- Twelfth | Gamba (S) 2 2/3' | 8'
- Fifteenth 2'
- Cornet | Terzian (H)
- Mixture
- Trumpet 16'
- Trumpet 8'
- Tremulant
- Chamade 8'
- Swell - Great
- Choir - Great
- Bourdon 16'
- Principal 8'
- Rohr Flute | Cor de Nuit (S) 8' | 8'
- Viola di Gamba 8'
- Vox Celeste 8'
- Octave 4'
- Flute 4'
- Flute Twelfth 2 2/3'
- Wald Flute | Fifteenth (B) 2' | 2'
- Tierce | Sifflute (H) 1 3/5' | 1'
- Mixture | Carillon (H)
- Fagotto 16'
- Oboe | Trumpet (H) 8' | 8'
- Vox Humana 8'
- Tremulant
- Principal 8'
- Bourdon 8'
- Octave | Salicional (S) 4'| 8'
- Flute 4'
- Nazard 2 2/3'
- Fifteenth | Flute (S-H) 2' | 2'
- Sifflute | Sesquialtera (S-H) - | 1'
- Mixture | Larigot (S) - | 1 1/3'
- Cromorne 8'
- Tremulant
- Swell - Choir
- Principal | Flute (S) 16' | 16'
- Subbass 16'
- Octavebass 8'
- Gedackt 8'
- Flute | Choralbass (B-H) 4' | 4'
- Mixture | Quintbass (S-H)
- Contra Trumpet 16'
- Trumpet | Clarion (S) 8' | 4'
- Great - Pedal
- Swell - Pedal
- Choir - Pedal
Optimally suited for every space
A characteristic feature of Johannus church organs, is the unique way these instruments interact with the space they are in. Naturally, the organ will be voiced by a specialist in the room to get the best sound possible. In addition, the Opus Choir can also be matched to its surroundings in terms of design, as it is available in various colours. As standard, the instrument is equipped with a roll cover. Naturally, there are a number of purchase options such as upgrading the organ keyboards.