From € 16.995,-
The masterpiece by Johannus for the modern organist
The Vivaldi 260 offers a premium playing experience with 41 voices and a powerful 8.1 audio system. With advanced HDSS samples and unique convolution reverb, you experience the rich, authentic sounds of iconic pipe organs. Its intuitive stop panel makes this model ideal for organists seeking quality and ease of use in a compact design.
- System DS-Core+
- Manuals 2
- Voices 41
- Couplers 3
- Sub and super couplers -
- Height (excluding music desk) 115 cm
- Height (including music desk) 135,5 cm
- Width 137,5 cm
- Depth (excluding pedal board) 63 cm
- Depth (including pedal board) 98,5 cm
- Audio system 8.1
- Front channels 4
- Sub channels 1
- Top channels 2
- Surround channels 2
- Controllable functions
- 0 (recall/cancel) •
- CF (Cantus Firmus) •
- MB (Manual Bass) •
- Menu (Johannus Menu) •
- Principal 16'
- Principal 8'
- Stopped Flute 8'
- Gamba | Quintaton (DN) 8' | 8'
- Octave 4'
- Open Flute 4'
- Twelfth | Flûte Harmonique (EFA) 2 2/3' | 8'
- Fifteenth 2'
- Flute | Sifflute (SN) 2' | 1'
- Cornet | Terzian (N)
- Mixture
- Scharf | Trumpet (EF) - | 4'
- Trumpet 16'
- Trumpet 8'
- Cromorne | Tuba (EA) 8' | 8'
- Tremulant
- Swell - Great
- Bourdon | Quintaton (DS) 16' | 16'
- Principal 8'
- Flute 8'
- Quintaton | Flute Dolce (EAN) 8' | 8'
- Viola di Gamba 8'
- Vox Celeste 8'
- Octave 4'
- Flute 4'
- Flute Twelfth | Oboe (EFA) 2 2/3' | 8'
- Wald Flute | Fifteenth (DES) 2' | 2'
- Nineteenth | Carillon (DN) 1 1/3' | -
- Sesquialtera | Tierce (EAN) - | 1 3/5'
- Mixture
- Fagotto | Trumpet (EA) 16' | 16'
- Trumpet 8'
- Voix Humaine | Clarion (EA) 8' | 4'
- Tremulant
- Resultantbas | Quintbas (DN) 32' | 5 1/3'
- Principal 16'
- Subbas | Fluitbas (F) 16' | 16'
- Octavebass 8'
- Gedacktbass 8'
- Choral Bass | Contra Violone (EA) 4' | 16'
- Mixture | Flute (EFN) - | 2'
- Contra Trumpet 16'
- Trumpet 8'
- Clarion 4'
- Great - Pedal
- Swell - Pedal